Support Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project This Christmas

Ian Maull
Whilst all of us at Martin Searle Solicitors are looking forward to a relaxing Christmas with our families, it’s important to remember that for some people in Brighton, this time of year can be really stressful.
That’s why, for the last several years at Christmas, we have supported the Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project. The centre, near the middle of Brighton, provides a range of practical, volunteer-run services to help families and individuals challenge the effect of poverty. Their service helps people disadvantaged by unemployment, poverty, mental health issues, homelessness or insecure housing, domestic violence, long term health or drug and alcohol dependency, lack of opportunity and life chances. Most are living in inadequate accommodation, struggling to find the money to pay utility bills and buy food.
Rather than sending out Christmas cards, we are making a donation to BUCFP to support their Christmas parties, where 200 children can gather together and enjoy food, games, entertainment and gifts.
We’re also supporting their Christmas dinner, which hosts 120 adults and volunteers for a meal, quiz, music and a raffle where everyone wins a prize.
For low income families striving to make ends meet, Christmas can be a bleak time of the year. BUCFP’s work in making Christmas a bit more special for children from struggling families is so worthwhile, that we hope you’ll join us in making a donation this year. You can find out how to donate on the BUCFP website.